Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's saturday!!!

Woot! So, in the trying to catch everyone up about our summer, I realized I forgot one key detail! We celebrated our 1st anniversary!!! We went to see the Proposal and to dinner at Carabba's --which is where we went the night we got engaged. It only seemed appropriate. I can't believe it's come and gone already. How fast a year flies by and it's only getting faster. With that year comes us, together, being in VA for a year and Daniel for a year and half. It seems so crazy. And then I think about the nieces---Elizabeth now two, Sam almost two and Chloe a year and half. They're getting so big and definitely more entertaining! Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before we know it! I'm already starting to gather ideas for folks for Christmas and gearing up to start shopping early. I would rather get it all over early than wait and rush. And Congrats to Michael, Jackie, and Chloe!! Another baby is on the way and due in Feb! We are so excited about being an Aunt and Uncle again!

This week is restaurant week in Reston which means all the restaurants have really superb deals on 3 course meals--including the fancy restaurants. Next week DC will be having theirs and we may participate in that too. DC will have a lot more choices and it's a really good opportunity to go to a place that we wouldn't normally go to or be able to afford. We'll see though. Tonight, I will be singing at church for the first time with a couple of ladies and we'll see how it goes. I'm pretty excited and I've really missed being involved in the music end of things. After church we are gonna meet up with our friends Astu and Rishi and partake in restaurant week. We tried out a bbq place last night called Red, Hot and Blue--it was okay but not anything close to the BBQ we are used too. We have plenty of leftovers though so we've been able to get two meals out of RW deals. I went to the farmer's marketing this morning and got some squash, okra, and peaches. I hope to make some peach jam in the next couple of days. My peaches have to ripen a bit though. They are a little firm and I'm not sure which is better. I would think a riper peach would make a tastier jam but I don't know. On Sunday, Accenture bought tickets for employees and guests to attend a Nats game and they also preloaded our tickets with $20 bucks. The Nats are playing the Brewers so it's not a fantastic game but it will be our first time to go to a Nats game. Should be fun--we'll see Astu and Rishi there too!

Other than that, we've had quite a bit of rain in the last day and most likely will get more but at least it's cooled us off some. I also repotted some of our plants. I got rid of our strawberry plant and put our pepper plant there--which is starting to grow some more peppers. And our squash plant died out so I replaced it with all our basil which was severely needed a bigger pot. We are giving our green beans a second chance and I took out all the random plants, loosened the soil, threw the remaining packet of beans in the pot. Maybe we'll get lucky this late in the game. Okay, well that's all I got for now. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!! Love you!

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